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The most important benefit you will receive from joining the Chamber is the opportunity to network with other business people from your community. You'll be able to expand your business through contacts made at chamber events. Chamber members regularly host informal gatherings where businesses come together to exchange ideas, create relationships, network, and of course to socialize.

Additional member benefits include:

Online Member Profiles: The Bradley Regional Chamber of Commerce maintains a very active website, with many visitors each day!! You will have the opportunity to highlight your business by being listed in our Member Directory, having your own profile page on our website and by having a link back to your website.

Community Events: We participate in community events. By becoming involved with the chamber, you increase your visibility within the community.

Economic Development:The chamber works on behalf of its members together with the Windsor Locks and East Granby Town Offices to improve the quality of living and working in this area.

Business Growth: We work with other business organizations and other chambers on issues relevant to the region and the state including the TVCA.

Use of the Chambers Certificate of Origin Stamp

Cost & Obligations: Annual business membership dues are $150 per year and $75.00 for non-profit

Technically, other than payment of the annual membership fee, there are no obligations. However, like most organizations, the more time and effort you put in, the more you can expect to get back in return.

As a result we're particularly interested in members who plan to become actively involved in the chamber. We're always looking for venues to host our Business After Hours meetings, or for volunteers to help organize various chamber events such as the Annual Meeting, the Business Expo, or the Golf Outing.

You will also be added to the Chamber's membership directory, and will receive all future e-blasts weekly e-mailings.

Have a question, but don't see it answered here? Contact us and we'll do our best to answer your questions.

Q: Why should I Join The Bradley Regional Chamber of Commerce?
A: Becoming a member of the Bradley Regional Chamber of Commerce will provide you with opportunities to grown your business through a variety of networking and community events. The Chamber will also help you promote your business through various medium such as our Chamber web site, newsletter, and the Annual Membership Directory. You will also be listed on our online directory and receive a information about a variety of other optional ways to promote your business through our membership database.

Q: What are the advantages of being a Chamber member?
A: The Chamber offers networking opportunities throughout the year, both within our own chamber and with chambers from surrounding towns. The chamber provides a strong voice with the town government on issues that affect our businesses. We offer involvement in community activities such as the annual Fuel Fund Drive and the Main Street Beautification project. Your business is listed on our web site and linked to your e-mail and web addresses. Chamber members are eligible for discounts on insurance. Learn more!