Please join us for a Lunch and Learn on June 22 at 12pm at Bobby V's Restaurant- "14 Things Never to Say to a Customer"? Join us as Bob Sproat, Managing Principal at The Idea Place, Inc. covers innovative do's and don'ts in a unique customer communications session. Bob will share his "14 Things Never to Say to a Customer" program. He uses his 50+ years' experience in communications to help attendees manage their communications process more effectively. You don't want to miss this vital session. Bob spent 32 years in newspaper advertising at the Los Angles Times, Dallas Times Herald, the Hartford Courant and has been with his own business for 26 years. His most senior position in newspapers was Vice President Advertising in Dallas. Since founding The Idea Place, Inc, in March of 1996, he has serviced about 75 different clients. Lunch will be available to purchase. This event is free for Bradley Chamber Members, TVCA Chamber Members & $10 for Non Members. |
June 22nd, 2022.
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Bobby V's Restaurant
Event Type:
Chamber Event
Free for Chamber Members
Bradley Regional Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1335
East Granby, Connecticut 06026