ALL AGES ! No Golf Skill or Soccer Skill Required.... just a few hours and a desire to have some fun! Uses a soccer ball, an oversized hole, and each golf hole is converted into 2 footgolf holes, so you play 18 footgolf holes... in about 2 hours! Bring your own ball, or use one of ours. Rules are very similar to golf... just that the club is your foot! Construction begins in early spring. FootGolf will be available on a limited basis initially. At this time we are planning on Tuesday evenings and Saturday late afternoons, or if a FootGolf outing is desired. We will also put together a FootGolf league on Friday evenings if there is interest. The FootGolf course will be mostly invisible to golfers when not in use. |
Bradley Regional Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1335
East Granby, Connecticut 06026