New: Choose Page Template
You are about to create a new page, but first you must choose what template to base it on. Click and choose different categories of templates with the "drop down list" on the top right of the purple area.
Contact Us
An editable page that allows the end user to fill out a form that sends an email to the site administrator. This is useful because it allows you to receive emails from the public without exposing your email address to spam. -
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Custom Form
This is an advanced template that allows you to specify which fields are used to submit values. Include input tags in your html, but no form tag. You can also sign users up for a mailing list. NOTE: To have the values be placed into a mailing list, use either default field names such as FirstName, Name, or User0, User1, etc. To make a specific text input field "required", add the parameter id="required" to the html. -
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Discussion List
An area for logged in users to discuss topics. This works quite well with self-registered user accounts. Be aware that it allows users to upload images and files. -
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Mailing List Signup
This template presents the user with a form to fill out to join one or more mailing lists. It asks for full address information -
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